Friday 20 May 2011


In My hearts of hearts,
I believe Nigeria will rise again.
From the abysmal low and tidal ebb,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the oppression that daily crushes
the common man,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the hunger that daily bites
at the average Nigerian,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the colossal corruption that
sweeps across the body politics of Nigeria,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the dearth of public infrastructure
that faces Nigerians like a plague,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the monumental abuse of office
that cuts across the Civil Service
both at Federal and State Level,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the abject poverty that the
average Nigerian wears like a sackcloth,
Nigeria will rise again.
In my hearts of hearts,
I believe Nigeria will rise again.
                   Copyright -Temitope Adebutu.

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