Thursday 26 May 2011



I am the Common Man,
I am the man with no voice,
I am the man who bears the burden for a better tomorrow,
I am the man who pays tax that has no effect in my life,
I am the man whom the government takes from but cannot deliver dividends of democracy to,
I am the man with a vision that cannot be actualised,
I am the down-trodden man,
I am the man who starves during the day, not because I want to, but so that I may eat at night,
I am the man exposed to the most rudimentary form of education under no shelter,
I am the man who will  lose my life to basic illness because the Health Sector has failed me
I am the man who sleeps in darkness, night after night
I am the Jobless man with a certificate, 
I am the Common Man
                                             Copyright -Temitope Adebutu

Monday 23 May 2011


I am currently having exams and would return to blogging as soon as I am done.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Ouattara Sworn-in, Preaches Unity, Reconciliation, Articles | THISDAY LIVE

Ouattara Sworn-in, Preaches Unity, Reconciliation, Articles | THISDAY LIVE

Profile: Oprah Winfrey: ‘Most Influential Woman in the World’, Articles | THISDAY LIVE

Profile: Oprah Winfrey: ‘Most Influential Woman in the World’, Articles | THISDAY LIVE
Oprah Winfrey's story shows a dogged determination by a woman of humble beginnings to reach the apogee of her career despite all the odds and obstacles in her way. It goes to show that we can do whatever we set our minds to.

In the words of Robert Collier- 
''You can do anything you wish to do,
Have anything you wish to have,
Be anything you wish to be''.

Friday 20 May 2011


In My hearts of hearts,
I believe Nigeria will rise again.
From the abysmal low and tidal ebb,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the oppression that daily crushes
the common man,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the hunger that daily bites
at the average Nigerian,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the colossal corruption that
sweeps across the body politics of Nigeria,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the dearth of public infrastructure
that faces Nigerians like a plague,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the monumental abuse of office
that cuts across the Civil Service
both at Federal and State Level,
Nigeria will rise again.
From the abject poverty that the
average Nigerian wears like a sackcloth,
Nigeria will rise again.
In my hearts of hearts,
I believe Nigeria will rise again.
                   Copyright -Temitope Adebutu.