Friday 6 December 2013


Madiba, as he was fondly called was the true epitome of a great statesman. Indeed a global one, for he was not characterised by the sit-tight mentality of some African dictators, evidenced in his one term-presidency, by choice, of South Africa even after he had given up 27 years of his life in a jail on Robben Island as a sacrifice for the South Africa of his dreams; one devoid of sharp racial discrimination and inequalities known as Apartheid.

The Apartheid regime in South Africa was characterised by brutality and killings of a black majority by white minority in the name of racism and superiority and the great Madiba was a foremost freedom fighter, together with his colleagues at the ANC. Little wonder that upon his release from prison he was to become the first black president of South Africa and the founding father of modern day South Africa.

A man like Madiba does not die. Indeed he is ever present in our psyche, in our political consciousness, for what he has done for the African continent and indeed the black race. A man of uncommon courage, perseverance, dignity, forgiveness; he forgave his political enemies and oppressors, forthrightness, integrity, an astute politician, Madiba lives on forever.

May His gentle soul rest in perfect peace.Amen

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Indeed this is a fundamental question at the centre of the being of any human being so-called. As an adolescent growing up in my formative years in the citadel of learning called Vivian Fowler Memorial College for Girls, my then Proprietress who was also called MAMA, taught us to ask this question WHO AM I? as a pre-cursor to our purpose in life, as an adjunct to the essence of our being and as an embodiment of the necessity of our existence. My question to you then, this beautiful afternoon is rhetorical. WHO AM I, WHO ARE YOU, WHO ARE WE and what is the essence of our being?

Tuesday 19 March 2013


The Nigerian Film Industry popularly referred to as Nollywood after Hollywood in the United States has come a long way. Only recently, this assertion was buttressed by a Presidential assent for the budding industry in the form of a Presidential dinner aptly tagged 'Nollywood at 20'. It is pertinent to note that just like in Hollywood, the buzz is not restricted to the movie industry alone but also includes the music industry and the fashion industry. It was a delight to have celebrated actors and actresses donning ensembles made by Nigerian Designers.

Indeed Nollywood has come a long way and is worth celebrating. From low- budget movies years back to collaborations with International movie stars, from small musical shows to sold-out concerts heralding the birth of a new Album and from an almost inconspicuous fashion industry to a Celebrated one boasting of the biggest names in Africa and even the world, with spectacular fashion shows to its credit, THE SKY IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!

Temitope Adebutu